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Vedische Culturenprogramma wordt op elke 3e zaterdag van de maand gehouden in Boxtel. Kom en geniet de transcendentale muziek, spiritueel kennis, Mantra yoga en heerlijk diner. प्रत्येक तेस्रो शनिबार हुने भजन किरतनमा सबैलाई नामहाट बक्स्टेलमा स्वागतम्

A Pakisthani's prayers are fulfilled by Lord Sri Jaganath

March 17/12.  'Yes, come to me! I can do anything and everything for you'. ''These are the words of assurance  I got the Lord speaking within me and are realized practically'', said Nomita a Pakisthani lady whose prayers are fulfilled by their Lordship Sri Jaganath Baladev and Subhadra and Sri Radhamadanamohan, the deities of Naamhat Boxtel.
Nomita with her husband, reunited by the Lord

A few months earlier Nomita came to this Vedic cultural program with her sister and her two daughters. She was feeble and appear frustrated. She told that she has been trying to get her husband Ramesh reunited in The Netherlands. But eight years of efforts did not result to anything. She borrowed loan of about three thousand Euro and paid the lawyer who is pursuing the family reunion. The answer she gets is that; 'you have to have a job, good income and a large house to have your husband reunited with you'. This was next to impossible since Nomita has little children to look after and no job any more after she was rejected  due to her ill health. Nomita prayed to th Lord Jaganatha and even wrote a letter to the Lord to help her get her husband. The Lord Jaganath replied Nomita from within and from without. For the Lord nothing is impossible.
Pakisthanis, Dutch and Belgians listening Gita
From that day onwards Nomita began feeling good from within and some sort of assurance crept in that her wish will be fulfilled. A visa was issued to her husband much to her surprise and immidiately she and her children could meet their beloved. Nomita says, 'the trust on the God that I once lost is regained and the faith I have now towards Krishna is making my entire family very happy'. Along with her husband she prepared delicious offerings to Krishna and brought with lot of roses. Also her mother and brother came and attended the program. She is convienced that the deities are not mere images but the actual personification, non different from the Lord Himself Who appeared before us to accept our devotional service in love and answer any one's sincere prayers.

The program of the day focused on explannations from Srimad Bhagavatam by Vishvaroop prabhu, chapter 25 verse 45. The story reveals to the mankind of Kardama Muni and Devahuti on whose family the Lord descended as the Lord Kapila. Devahuti, the princes of Swayambhuba Manu got willingly married with the Muni whose position in the eyes of materialism is a vogabond. The purpose of their union in marriage was to elevate themselves spiritually in realization of Krishna consciousness.

Singing together in Naamhat Boxtel
People would certainly greet their head of state with respect. Why? its because the good citizens knows their own position and the position of the head of state. In the same way, if we human beings can understand the position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna one shall and thier own position, certainly they would rever and that shall be begining of their wellbeing. This point was further explained by Visvaroop prabhu so convincingly that any one with pure inteligence would take up Krishna consciouness realizing it as the goal of the human form of life. One example of such realization and found being blessed is a Pakisthani family- Nomita. Gautam.


  1. Jai Shri Jagannath,

    Totally true and nothing but the truth is descript above by our beloved Prabhu and Mataji.
    Love is God and God is life

    It's a very big miracle for us which is actually a very minor word to just say what Krishna did.
    What I have noticed is that Love (pyaar) the biggest wealth is for a human being to achieve Krishna mercy in return.

    My family and I have being blessed when Jagannath ji has called us in his home and with his beloved devotees.
    A very special feeling you will get if you totally surrender to him. You will feel that finally has reached your truly home and our Jagannathji is smiling and blessing every second.

    Jagannathji has already opened his arm to hold you and vanish all you pain and sorrow so why are we waiting go and embrace your truly destination.

    So my fellow brothers and sisters JAI SHRI JAGANNATH JI bolo aur apne man ke dwaar kholo!

    Hari Bol

    Sunny (little brother of Nomeeta)


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