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Vedische Culturenprogramma wordt op elke 3e zaterdag van de maand gehouden in Boxtel. Kom en geniet de transcendentale muziek, spiritueel kennis, Mantra yoga en heerlijk diner. प्रत्येक तेस्रो शनिबार हुने भजन किरतनमा सबैलाई नामहाट बक्स्टेलमा स्वागतम्

The time to harvest the spiritual and the material yeilds - Kartik

The auspicious month of Kartik, (8th October to 19th November) more popular known as the Month of Damodara, is here once again heralding the spiritually enlivening ‘Festival of Lights’. Its the month for harvesting material yeild from the corn, maize and barley field and also harvest the stpiritual wealth by devotional service to Damodar.

Mother Yasoda bound little mischievous Krishna with ropes to the grinding mortar for having stolen butter and thus He came to be known as Damodara. The significance is in that the Lord of the Universe can be bound only by the rope of pure love. During thus Damodara month, devotees get the opportunity to personally offer Arati to Lord Damodara with ghee lamps and sing the very enchanting ‘Damodara astakam’, to receive the special mercy of the Lord. The Glories Of Kartik month “Pure devotional service to Me which, because it places Me under My devotee’s dominion, is very difficult to attain, is easily attained by following this vow in Mathura during Karttika.”

 “In the month of Kartik, which is very dear to Sri Hari, one who bathes early in the morning attains the merit of bathing in all places of pilgrimage. Anybody who offers the Lord a ghee lamp in the month of Kartik, O brahmana, becomes free from all kinds of sins, such as killing a brahmana, and he goes to the abode of Lord Hari.” (Brahma Khanda). In the month of Karttika, one should daily worship Lord Damodara and sing the Damorashtaka (the eight prayers of Lord Damodara) which pleases Lord Damodara, written by the sage named Satyavrata. - (Hari Bhakti Vilasa: 16/198) Originally from the Padma Purana, Sri Damodarastakam is recited during a conversation between Narada Muni and Saunaka Rishi. A benediction accompanies these verses. It is said that anyone who recites or even hears this prayer, especially in the month of Kartik, will attract the eternal shelter of devotional service at the lotus feet of Sri Damodara. (Hari-bhakti-vilasa: 16:1:198)

Sri Damodarastakam 
1. namamisvaram sac-cid-ananda-rupam lasat-kundalam gokule bhrajamanam yasoda-bhiyolukalad-dhavamanam paramrstam atyantato drutya gopya 

 "I bow down to the supreme controller, Sri Damodara, whose form is the embodiment of eternity, knowledge, and bliss. His glistening earrings swing playfully to and fro upon His cheeks. He manifests super-excellent pastimes in Gokula, stealing fresh butter suspended from the rafters of the gopis' storerooms. In fear of Mother Yasoda, He jumps down from a wooden grinding mortar and quickly runs away. She runs swiftly after Him and finally catches Him from behind." 

 The specific attributes of the Absolute Truth of the Lord, tattva-visesa, are addressed first. Satyavrata Muni begins with the offering of obeisances (namami) as an auspicious invocation, mangalacarana. He invokes the mercy of Lord Damodara to empower him to offer this prayer by the word isvara, the supreme controller. It also indicates that the Supreme Lord alone is worthy of the highest praise. It further implies the specific nature of devotional service, bhakti. 

The Lord manifests Himself in a form that embodies eternal existence, knowledge, and bliss, sac-cid-ananda-rupam. Thus, His supreme sovereignty is established. The attribute of His enchanting beauty, rupa visesa, is described next. As He runs from Mother Yasoda, His earrings begin to swing back and forth (lasat-kundalam). The earrings naturally sport upon His cheeks as He plays in the courtyard of Mother Yasoda. All the ornaments that adorn the Lord have become super-excellent by contact with His divine body, yet these earrings have attained superiority overall by the great fortune of constantly kissing His divine cheeks while swinging. They are glistening (lasanti) due to being enriched with the effulgence from the Lord's complexion. Uddhava describes Krsna's beauty as so supremely enchanting that His transcendental body is the ornament of all ornaments. (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 3:2:12) Only in Gokula does Krsna display His most splendid pastimes that surpass all other manifestations of His excellence (gokule bhrajamanam). 

The word, gokule, indicates the place where cows and cowherds reside. The attributes of His family, parivara-visesa, thus further portray His unique excellence. The last two lines of the verse describe the lila-visesa, the attributes of His excellent pastime as the butter thief. In fear of Mother Yasoda (yasoda-bhiya) He quickly runs away (dhavamanam) from the mortar (ulukalat). Then, she also runs very swiftly (atyantato drutya). "Krsna, at that time, was sitting on an upside-down wooden mortar for grinding spices and was distributing milk preparations, such as yogurt and butter, to the monkeys as He liked. Because of having stolen, He was looking all around with great anxiety, suspecting that He might be chastised by His mother. Mother Yasoda, upon seeing Him, very cautiously approached Him from behind. 

When Lord Sri Krsna saw His mother, stick in hand, He very quickly got down from the top of the mortar and began to flee as if very much afraid. Although yogis try to capture Him as Paramatma by meditation, desiring to enter into the effulgence of the Lord with great austerities and penance, they fail to reach Him. But Mother Yasoda, thinking that same Personality of Godhead Krsna, to be her son, began following Krsna to catch Him." (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 10:9:8-9) The word, paramrstam, meaning caught from behind, also intimates the supreme love that Sri Krsna has for Yasoda. Therefore, gopya lovingly denotes Mother Yasoda and implies the great fortune of the cowherd caste that the Supreme Lord prefers to mingle amongst them. Quoting from the Vaisnava-tosani of Sanatana Goswami, Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur explains that the pastime of baby Krsna's breaking the pot of yogurt and being bound by Mother Yasoda took place on the Dipavali Day, or Dipa-malika. In India, this festival is celebrated in the month of Kartik with fireworks and lights. 

 "Among all the cows of Nanda Maharaja, several of mother Yasoda's cows ate only grasses so flavourful that the grasses would automatically flavour the milk. Mother Yasoda wanted to collect the milk from these cows, make it into yogurt, and churn it into butter personally since she thought that this child Krsna was going to the houses of neighbourhood gopas and gopis to steal butter because He did not like the milk and yogurt ordinarily prepared." (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 10:9:2, Purport) 

These eight specific cows were called padmagandha, and their milk was as fragrant as the lotus flower. Just as swans live only on lotus stalks, so these cows ate only special grass. Mother Yasoda took particular care of these cows and used their milk to make special sweets for Krsna. She hoped that he would lose interest in the butter and yogurt from the houses of other gopis. In this way she made an attempt to rectify his stealing habit. 

2. rudantam muhur netra-yugmam mrjantam karambhoja-yugmena satanka-netram muhuh svasa-kampa-tri-rekhanka-kantha- sthita-graivam damodaram bhakti-baddham

 "He cries and rubs His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands. His eyes are fearful and His breathing quick. As Mother Yasoda binds His belly with ropes, He shivers in fright and the pearl necklace shakes upon His neck, which is marked with three lines like a conch shell. To the Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, whose belly is bound by His mother's pure love, not by rope, I offer my humble obeisances." The second verse continues describing the lila-visesa. He is crying (rudantam) because He sees the stick in Mother Yasoda's hand. 

Perceiving that she may strike Him, He appears fearful, hoping her natural empathy may save Him from punishment. Due to fear, tears are forming in His eyes, so He rubs his eyes with his lotus-like hands in the normal manner of children to wipe away the tears that are beginning to flow. Then (satanka-netram) His fearful eyes reveal how much He is dreading punishment. It also indicates His glancing here and there in great fear, trying to avoid being punished. The confidential pastime is revealed in this way. Therefore, due to his continual sobbing He is trembling, (muhuh svasa-kampa) and thus, (sthita-graiva) the pearl necklaces and earrings that adorn Him are also shaking. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is feared by everyone, has become fearful of Mother Yasoda. In this way, Mother Yasoda now becomes greater than God, more powerful than Krsna. The Mayavadi philosophers want to become one with God, but in Vaisnava philosophy the devotee becomes more than Krsna, and Krsna accepts this. He elevates His devotee beyond His own position, just as Arjuna became the hero at Kuruksetra and Krsna was simply his chariot driver. 

Actually, Krsna was the hero, but He gave the credit to His devotee, because He takes pleasure in seeing His devotee in a greater position than Himself. "When Mother Yasoda was trying to bind the offending child, she saw that the rope was short by the measurement of two fingers. Thus she brought another rope to join it. This new rope was also short by two fingers, and when another rope was joined to it, it was still two fingers short. As many ropes as she joined, all of them failed; their shortness could not be overcome." (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 10:9:15-17) 

 The reason for the failure of the rope to bind Him is bhakti-baddham. He can be bound only with devotion. No other power can bind Him. The significance of the two fingers is also very important. The first finger represents the devotee's sincere endeavor of love and unflinching determination to attain Krsna and thereby please Him. The second finger represents Krsna's supreme mercy by which He agrees to be bound by His devotee's pure love. So He is bound with a rope around the belly (damodaram) and tied to a wooden grinding mortar. This reveals the Lord's excellent quality of coming under the control of His devotee's pure love (bhakti-baddham). He responds to bhakti in two ways. From Mother Yasoda's point of view, He is conquered and bound by her loving parental devotion, vatsalya. From His own point of view, He willingly allows her to bind Him, although no rope can ever bind Him. "Because of Mother Yasoda's hard labour, her whole body became covered with perspiration, and the flowers and comb were falling from her hair. 

When child Krsna saw His mother thus fatigued, He became merciful to her and agreed to be bound. O Maharaja Pariksit, this entire universe, with its great exalted demigods like Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Lord Indra, is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yet the Supreme Lord has one transcendental attribute: He comes under the control of His devotees. This was now exhibited by Krsna in this pastime." (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 10:9:18-19)

3 itidrk-sva-lilabhir ananda-kunde sva-ghosam nimajjantam akhyapayantam tadiyesita-jnesu bhaktair jitatvam punah prematas tam satavrtti vande

 "O my Lord, by Your own childhood pastimes, You continually immerse the residents of Gokula in pools of ecstasy. You reveal to those who are attracted to Your majesty and opulence, that You are only conquered by the love of Your pure devotees. Again I offer my obeisances with love and devotion hundreds and hundreds of times." The attributes of His excellent qualities, guna-visesa, are described in this verse. 

The first word, iti, indicates this Damodara lila, or all of His childhood pastimes like the Damodara lila. Next, sva-lilabhih denotes His own transcendental pastimes by which (sva-ghosam) all the residents of Gokula become immersed in pools of ecstatic mellows (ananda-kunde nimajjantam). The word sva connotes svasya, His own glory, or svanam, the glories of the residents of Gokula, which are displayed by these pastimes (akhyapayantam). Moreover, sva-ghosam may refer to child Krsna, since He is also a resident of Gokula. 

 Then a warning to those who cultivate knowledge of His majesty and opulence (tadiyesita-jnesu). He only reveals Himself to the pure devotees (bhaktair jitatvam), being conquered by their love. Again, this is proclaimed for all to know (akhyapayantam). "To pure devotees throughout the world who could understand His activities, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, exhibited how much He can be subdued by His devotees, His servants. In this way He increased the pleasure of the Vrajavasis by His childhood activities." (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 10:11:9) 

 Only by pure love and devotion (prematah) can the Lord be known as He is. So let us offer obeisances (vande) unto Him (tam) hundreds and hundreds of times (satavrtti). A further meaning can be gained from the above Bhagavatam verse, that obeisances are offered hundreds of times to the process of devotional service, bhakti, which subdues the object of our love, Sri Krsna. 

 4 varam deva moksam na moksavadhim va na canyam vrne 'ham varesad apiha idam te vapur natha gopala-balam sada me manasy avirastam kim anyaih

 "O Lord Damodara, although You are able to give all kinds of benedictions, I do not pray to You for liberation, nor the supreme goal of eternal life in Vaikuntha, nor for any other boon. My only desire, O Lord, is that Your form as Bala Gopal in Vrndavana may constantly remain in my heart. I have no use for any other boon besides this." Both verses four and five describe the poet's innermost desires, beginning with, varam, boons. No benedictions of any kind are requested even here in Vrndavana (iha) from He who can bestow any boon (varesad). Satyavrata Muni does not seek liberation (moksa na), nor does he desire the highest conception of liberation (moksa-avadhim), which is eternal life in Vaikuntha. Neither is he interested in any other benediction (na ca anyam), referring to the nine processes of devotional service, beginning with sravanam kirtanam, and the benefits they bestow.

 If others desire these, or even if Krsna wants to bestow these upon him, he has no attraction for them. The three benedictions referred to -- moksa (liberation), moksavadhim (eternal life in Vaikuntha), and anyam (any other boon) -- reflect an ascending order of superiority. Eternal life in Vaikuntha is clearly superior to impersonal liberation. The position of other boons, such as the nine processes of devotional service, are described in Srimad Bhagavatam. "O Lord, we pray that You let us be born in any hellish condition of life, just as long as our hearts and minds are always engaged in the service of Your lotus feet, our words are made beautiful [by speaking of Your activities] just as Tulasi leaves are beautified when offered unto Your lotus feet, and as long as our ears are always filled with the chanting of Your transcendental qualities." (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 3:15:49) By these words spoken by the four Kumaras, we can understand that the nine processes of devotion can be perfected even in hell. 

So in any condition of life, one can experience the perfection that is available in the eternal abode, Vaikuntha, through bhakti-yoga. Is there anything that the poet does desire? The answer is iha, (here in Vrndavana), idam te vapur natha gopala-balam (may Your form as a cowherd boy, O Lord) sada me manasy avirastam (always remain manifest in my mind). Since Krsna is also the Supersoul in the heart, antaryami, one may see His divine beauty within as clearly as one sees externally with the eyes. Finally all boons of any kind are dismissed as having no value at all (kim anyaih). 

The reason is that since Krsna is the quintessence of all existence, knowledge, and bliss (sac-cid-ananda-rupam), attaining Him, therefore, brings all perfection. Conversely, if one does not attain Krsna, then all other benedictions are simply a source of lamentation, since they are of lesser value. One can be fully satisfied only by beholding Krsna's divine form as a young cowherd boy. Therefore, all other benedictions are useless (kim anyaih). This is the mood of Satyavrata Muni. 

5 idam te mukhambhojam atyanta-nilair- vrtam kuntalaih snigdha-raktais ca gopya muhus cumbitam bimba-raktadharam me manasy avirastam alam laksa-labhaih

 "Your supremely enchanting face, encircled by shining locks of dark blue curling hair, resembles the fully blossomed lotus, tinged with a reddish luster, due to being kissed again and again by Mother Yasoda. May this vision of Your lotus face, with lips as red as bimba fruit, remain forever in my heart. Millions of other benedictions are of no benefit to me." The poet demonstrates in this verse that longing for the association of the Lord in the heart is the best means to achieve Him. 

The longing to see the beautiful lotus face of the Lord, which is supremely enchanting, is stated first (idam te mukhambhojam). The indescribably sweet face of Sri Krsna resembles a lotus flower in full bloom. Simply by seeing His face, which is the treasure house of supreme bliss, all anxiety and distress disappear. Therefore, may that lotus face (mukhambhojam) manifest within the mind even just once (manasy avirastam), or again and again (muhuh), or constantly (sada). The concept of sada is carried over from the previous verse to give its definitive conclusion in this verse. All three meanings are intended. That lotus face is always surrounded (vrtam) by curling hair (kuntalaih) which is a very dark blue colour (atyanta-nilair). 

It is tinged with a reddish hue (raktaih) and is shining (snigdha). The curly locks encircling Krsna's face bounce as He moves here and there, just as a lotus flower is surrounded by hovering honey bees. This is the meaning suggested by vrtam. His lotus face is kissed again and again by Mother Yasoda (gopya). The word muhuh (again and again), defines the supremely fortunate gopi (gopya) who repeatedly kisses that divine lotus face (muhus cumbitam). Furthermore, Krsna's lotus face is adorned with crimson red lips like the bimba fruit (bimba-raktadharam). That form is so completely enchanting and satisfying that millions of other attainments (laksa-labhaih) are simply useless (alam). They have no value. This is the meaning of the fifth verse. 

 6 namo deva damodarananta visno prasida prabho duhkha-jalabdhi-magnam krpa-drsti-vrstyati-dinam batanu- grhanesa mam ajnam edhy aksi-drsyah

 "O Damodara! O Lord of divine beauty and unlimited mercy! O all-pervading Visnu! I offer my obeisances unto You. May You be pleased with me. I am drowning in an ocean of sorrow and feeling almost dead. Shower Your nectar laden glances upon me, thereby uplifting me and enthusing me with life. Please accept me, O Lord, and become visible before my eyes." Feelings of love arise from the purity and potency of longing, and then one is only satisfied to behold the beauty of Sri Krsna directly, saksat-darsana. The supreme method, param-sadhana, to attain this goal is chanting the Holy Name, sri-nama-sankirtana. Satyavrata Muni begins this verse chanting the Holy Names. In his ecstasy, feelings of awe and reverence are abandoned by the elimination of the word tubhyam (unto You). This creates the mood of being in the personal presence of the Lord. 

 The name deva indicates, he divya-rupa, O Lord of divine beauty! This beauty is the cause for desiring personal darsana. The address damodara specifically refers to His glorious quality of coming under the sway of the devotee's pure love for Him, bhakta-vatsala, even up to the point of allowing Himself to be bound. How is one able to see Him unless qualified by bhakti, pure devotional service? He who is unlimited with no end (ananta) indicates the Lord who is inconceivable, infallible, beginning less, and who has unlimited forms for sporting in divine pastimes. Because He is inconceivable, He can only become visible to our eyes by His power, not by our own power. 

Moreover, the name visnu connotes He who is all pervading. Thus there can be no difficulty for Him to appear before our eyes. In the last line of the verse, isa refers to the supreme controller who is completely independent. The poet prays, "Please accept this prayer, O independent Lord, (grhanesa) for nothing can cause You to act. You may accept my entreaty or not by Your own sweet will. Still I will continue to hope." The word prasida indicates the mercy of prabhu, the supreme master. The devotee hopes that Sri Krsna is pleased with him and will benedict him with His mercy. Why? Because he is drowning in an ocean of misery (duhkha-jalabdhi-magnam). 

Specifically, duhkha denotes the pain of repeated birth and death, or the agony of being separated from the Lord's presence. The illusion (jala) of the material world is like the vast, bottomless ocean (abdhi) in which we are drowning (magnam). This is the cause of our condition of extreme distress (ati-dinam).

 Another meaning is, due to being bereft of sadhu-sanga, the association of saintly devotees, we experience distress. Moreover, we are extremely distressed not being able to see You, my Lord. The problem is compounded because of being ignorant about what to do (ajnam). Therefore, please bestow Your merciful glance like a shower of nectar (krpa-drsti-vrstya), thereby uplifting and enthusing us with life (anugrhana). Thereupon, please become visible before our eyes (edhy aksi-drsyah). This is the significance of the prayer. 

 7 kuveratmajau baddha-murtyaiva yad-vat tvaya mocitau bhakti-bhajau krtau ca tatha prema-bhaktim svakam me prayaccha na mokse graho me ‘sti damodareha 

 "O Lord Damodara, although Mother Yasoda bound Your divine form to a wooden grinding mortar, You mercifully delivered the sons of Kuvera, Manigriva and Nalakuvara, who were cursed to stand as trees, and You gave them the gift of devotional service. Please bless me in this same way with Your most wonderful prema bhakti. I have no eagerness for any other type of liberation." This verse reveals deep truths about prema-visesa, pure ecstatic love for Krsna. Beginning with kuveratmajau, the two sons of Kuvera are introduced. They were able to obtain the direct vision of the Lord. 

But isn't prema bhakti the only means for seeing the Lord face to face? And having once seen the Lord doesn't the agony of separation set in upon losing that vision? This is the feature of prema bhakti that brings the Lord under the sway of the pure devotee's love. How did the two reprobates get such mercy? The answer is that by the quality of Sri Krsna's love, bhakta-vatsala, the impossible becomes possible. To honour the word of His pure devotee Narada Muni, who gave the benediction that they would see the Lord face to face, the Lord actually delivers these boys. 

Did they ever do anything to deserve this? No. It is simply causeless mercy! "Although these two young men are the sons of the very rich Kuvera and I have nothing to do with them, Devarsi Narada is My very dear and affectionate devotee, and therefore because he wanted Me to come face to face with them, I must do so for their deliverance." (Srimad-Bhagavatam: 10:10:25) The purport is that Krsna is bound by the love of Sri Narada. This is His quality of bhakta-vatsala. Therefore he utilizes the wooden grinding mortar to pull down the two trees that are actually the two brothers. 

By the mercy of the pure devotee, Narada Muni, they received the mercy of the Lord. Similarly, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, we can receive the same benediction. By baddha-murtyaiva, we understand that the Lord has agreed to be bound with rope and tied to the wooden mortar. But even though He is tied up, He liberates Manigriva and Nalakuvara. The word mocitau indicates they are liberated from samsara, repeated birth and death, not only from Sri Narada's curse. Furthermore, the two boys are given bhakti-bhajau, the benediction of prema-bhakti. 

They are now counted amongst the pure devotees known as bhakti-bhajam, those who can never give up the shelter of devotional service. With the statement tatha prema-bhaktim svakam me prayaccha, Satyavrata Muni requests, "Please benedict me also with prema-bhakti in the same way." The word svakam denotes the exclusive shelter of Krsna's own lotus feet or His own beautiful form, the exclusive object of meditation. "I have no desire for personal liberation," (na mokse graho me ‘sti damodareha). Even though the Lord may offer liberation, moksa, the answer is no (na). Other than this (iha), referring to prema-bhakti, I am not eager (grahah) for anything else. The mood is that if one can obtain prema-bhakti, then why care for the insignificance of liberation from material life? Another meaning of iha indicates Vrndavana, where prema-bhakti is predominant, and where Sri Krsna is always present. 

 8 namas te ‘stu damne sphurad dipti-dhamne tvadiyodarayatha visvasya dhamne namo radhikayai tvadiya priyayai namo ‘nanta-lilaya devaya tubhyam

 "O Lord, I offer respectful obeisances unto Your belly, the abode of the entire universe, which is bound by Mother Yasoda with a brilliantly effulgent rope. To this rope I offer my humble obeisances. I offer repeated obeisances to Your dearmost beloved Srimati Radharani, and I bow before You, who are performing unlimited super-excellent pastimes." At the conclusion of the prayer, obeisances are offered (namas te) to the Lord's unique binding, His bodily limbs, His associates, and to the Lord Himself, in order to arouse the mood of bhakti. 

Even the rope that binds His belly (damne) receives worship. That rope is the abode of, or source of, effulgence (sphurad dipti-dhamne), and the poet here suggests that the rope is also the source of the all-pervading brahman effulgence. Then, obeisances are offered to the Lord's belly, which is bound by this wondrous rope (tvadiyodarayatha). What is that belly like? It is the abode or support of all the infinite universes in the creation (visvasya), including all the moving and non-moving living entities dwelling therein. A gigantic lotus flower that sustains the fourteen worlds sprouts from that belly and is the abode of Lord Brahma. Child Krsna displayed His universal form to Mother Yasoda when he opened His mouth to show that he wasn't eating dirt; so this is another indication. 

Therefore, when Mother Yasoda bound His belly with rope, she bound the entire universe. Actually, Krsna allowed her to bring the entire creation under her control, although it is not possible to bind the omnipotent Lord. Therefore Vaisnava acharyas accept this pastime as the most sublime expression of vatsalya-rasa just as the rasa-lila pastime is the supreme expression of madhurya-rasa. By Krsna's acceptance to be bound, we can understand that this pastime is inconceivable to mundane logic and reason. This is the mood here. Obeisances are also offered to His beloved Srimati Radharani, namo radhikayai. By Sri Radha's mercy, one is able to fully attain Sri Krsna. Being foremost amongst the gopis, obeisances are offered unto Her specifically. 

It is further implied that obeisances are being offered to all the gopis, headed by Sri Radha. The word, radhika, refers to the one who is perfectly engaged in Sri Krsna's devotional service. Therefore Satyavrata Muni says, "I offer obeisances unto Your beloved (tvadiya priyayai). She is Your eternally beloved, nitya-priya, regardless of rendering devotional service to You." The word tvadiya further elucidates that Sri Radha is dear not only to Krsna but to all Krsna's devotees. The understanding is that Sri Krsna is also the nitya-priya of Sri Radha. Thus, the super-excellence of Radharani's love is proclaimed. The poet avows, "Whoever is beloved by You is worshipable for the entire universe!" The conclusion of the prayer alludes to the supreme transcendental pastime, rasa-lila, as well as all other unlimited pastimes of the Lord. Since these topics are highly confidential, they are not mentioned directly. 

There is only a hint of other unlimited pastimes, ananta-lilaya. In addition, ananta-lilaya indicates that obeisances are offered to all the pastimes within the divine realm of Gokula Vrndavana. By the word devaya, the divine transcendental Lord Sri Krsna is indicated. The inference is that by Sri Damodara's inconceivable divine qualities all the pastimes of the Lord are also transcendental. Therefore, namo ‘nanta-lilaya devaya tubhyam,

 "I prostrate myself unto You who are engaged in unlimited transcendental pastimes." This is the mood expressed by Satyavrata Muni.


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In elke maand zijn er twee Ekadasi. Ekadasi betekent letterlijk de 11e van de dag voor volle maan en nieuwe maan. Deze dag is ook als een Madhava tithi genoemd, de favorite dag van de Heer Krishna. Om  Ekadasi  volledig na te leven, zoals Ambarisha Maharaja dat deed, is erg zeldzaam. We zouden het zo moeten proberen te doen, maar worden beïnvloedt door dit huidige tijdperk, Kali- yuga . Maharaja Ambarisha leefde in Satya- yuga , en hij was zo sterk dat hij een jaar lang zou hebben kunnen vasten zonder te slapen, terwijl hij op één been zou staan, zonder water te drinken of zelfs maar adem te halen. In Kali- yuga  zijn we echter noch sterk noch vergevorderd; maar we zijn toch fortuinlijk. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heeft uitgelegd dat als we hongerig zijn op  Ekadasi , we wat fruit, sap of melk mogen nemen. We dienen niet voortdurend te eten. Het is niet zo dat we een liter van een bepaalde soort sap drinken, en een half uur later weer een ander soort sap nemen, om...

Offerings to His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj

4th April '12, the auspicious occassion of the Vyasa puja celebration in honour of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj who has been dedicated to develop particularly Mayapur to Vedic planetorium city, His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami humbly submits his intimate offerings  and glorification, here under . HH Jayapataka Maharaj I was very fortunate to have a long and intimate association with His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja since I joined ISKCON. Undoubtedly he is one of the most exemplary leaders of ISKCON today. With the sincerity he is serving Srila Prabhupada is extremely praiseworthy. As a matter of fact ever since he met Srila Prabhupda he offered himself completely to his service and the way he is serving him till today is a wonderful example for all of us. In the early days in Mayapur there were not so many devotees. Therefore, we had the oportunity to have a very close relationship with each other. Although he was the leader of Maypur, he was very humble and carin...