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Vedische Culturenprogramma wordt op elke 3e zaterdag van de maand gehouden in Boxtel. Kom en geniet de transcendentale muziek, spiritueel kennis, Mantra yoga en heerlijk diner. प्रत्येक तेस्रो शनिबार हुने भजन किरतनमा सबैलाई नामहाट बक्स्टेलमा स्वागतम्

The best job to do in the month of Kartic Oct-Nov

 Homes will be lighted with special lamps, special prayers sung and meet and greet everyone, give charity and havest the yeild and offer to the creator- the Lord Krishna, all this is recommeded in the month of Kartic according to the Vedic culture.

Very special month of the year in view of vedic culture is kartik that falls in the month of Oct/Nov. Its the month of Sri Damodar, another name of the Lord Krishna denoting His pastimes of playing with his mother and also liberate Nal and Kubera who gotted the body of trees owing to their bad action in the past. This month is the harvesting the yeaid of the year and the Vedic culture  celebrate this harvesting as supports self-sufficiency by means of agronomy and cow rearing. This is the most environment friendly way of livelyhood and one reaps the yeild during this month. And for the Lord Krsna is this month a favourite one.

In this month, some five thousand years ago, Krsna, the supreme God came down from his abode the Golok, to this earth plannet in the family of Yadu dynasty and had his childhood pasttimes merely like any human child, but they far beyound human perception. This is becasue even if Krsna appeared on earth and looked like an ordinary person, he is spiritual, unborn and absolute. During his childhood itself, he defended the demonic rivals who are very powerful. He lifted the Govardhan hill for seven days when the demi God in charge of climate challanged to flood the entire hill. These are something only the God can do.

In one of the pasttime, he ate curd directly from the churning pot which was not allowed and his mother Yashoda got angry. She then tried to tie him up in a mortar, but every time she takes long ropes to tie arround his belly there appeared two inches short. She picked another rope and tried, yet it is short by two inches. She toook dozens of rope but yet it became short by two inches. What is that miracle? God is almighty and not in control of any one. He is the controller. He can be bound by love alone, not with any other means. At the end when mother Yashoda was tired, Krishna allowed her to tie him up. Then was everything possible. The lesson here is to learn that nothing can be possible without the mercy of the God. One has to endeavour for the success but at the same time love God so that His mercy will make every endeavours a success. That is the key to success, the reason behind why the rope was short by two inches.

In the month of Kartik people offer butter lamps to the deity of the Lord Damodar. This tradition in many places, even in India and Nepal degraded and people began putting a lamp high above the top of their houses. People have forgotten God Krsna and that all sacrifice and offerings should be done for his pleasure. In the Naamhat center we revive this culture and evryone, irrespective of their faith and background can come and participate.

See videos over this ceremoney. 
The above video is a comic style good for children. 


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