It was a rare opportunity for the seeker of spiritual development and transcendentale happiness that leads to higher consciousness to receive the transcendentale knowledge from a pure devotee of the God Krishna, His Holiness Navayogendra Swami Maharaj during the dasai period. Many people attended the saptah for 7 days. They were people from many background namely from the indigenious Dutch, Indians and few from Iran and other countries. Swami also hosted the rathayatra in Rotterdam. It was very pleasant to see people of all background and faith singing and dancing with one theme ie the glory of the Lord Jagannath, Bladev and Subhadra.
A similiar Rathayatra was also held in eindhoven for the third time in which Chinese and Indonesian artists, among others participated for the cuturla show. vegetarian meal was served to hundreds of people durng the rathayara for free. representatives from the gemeente (municipal authority) eindhoven consicutively made their presense and addressed it as a march for peace and social harmoney. It is a socio cultural activity where everyone are welcomed to paraticipated in it; they noted. It was a moment for all to realize that Srila Prabhupada has built a path where all the people irrespective of their faith and background can go along peacefully. It was who introduced rathayatra in the west.
Fortunately their Lordship have after the Rathayatra blessed the Naamhat Cultural Dham of Boxtel with their presence. They are reside in Boxtel for everyone to come and have their darsan. They are being served following the rules of vedic pancaratrika bidhi. You are always welcome to Naamhat Boxtel.
Foto below: Mayor of eindhoven meeting with OHM reporter Bikram during the Rathayatra in Eindhoven. Above: HH Navayogendraswami during Srimad Bhagavat puran
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