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Vedische Culturenprogramma wordt op elke 3e zaterdag van de maand gehouden in Boxtel. Kom en geniet de transcendentale muziek, spiritueel kennis, Mantra yoga en heerlijk diner. प्रत्येक तेस्रो शनिबार हुने भजन किरतनमा सबैलाई नामहाट बक्स्टेलमा स्वागतम्

Addressing the World in the Holy Name

Address on World Holy Name Week 
His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj
I am very happy to see that you all have executed my instruction with such determination. I was not here[Ujjain]. That time [during World Holy name week] I was in South Africa. I wrote to all of you that how to observe this World Holy Name Week. And because, just on receiving one instruction you all have observed this Holyname week with such determination and became a part of Worldwide Holyname Week, I became very happy.

This Holy name is everything. Naam bina kichu nahi ko aur chaudo bhuvan majhe. In this age of Kali, there is nothing in the whole 14 planetary systems, but the holy name. And this holy name is only maha-mantra. This holy name is only the greatest means to achieve benefit of the highest perfection. Only by the means of holy name we can make our lives perfect in all ways.

This holy name is very rare. In many ages this holy name was kept hidden. Just like very valuable thing is not given to everybody, only someone fortunate only can receive this most rare thing. Common man can’t achieve the rarest thing.  Similarly in many other ages, everybody could not receive the holy name. Somewhere, someone who is very fortunate devotee like Prahlad Maharaja received this Holy name, by the mercy of Narada Muni. In many ages, all living entities, big big yogis, jyanis, tapasvis could not get the holy name. At most they could reach to vaikuntha. But they didn’t get the means to enter in Vrindavan.
Who is holy name? Goloker premadhana harinaam sankirtan. Treasure of love of goloka. This is not the prema-dhana of Swarga. Not even of Vaikuntha. It is not of this material world, even in spiritual world it is not received on the normal conditions. If anyone of you goes to Vaikuntha, you will not get holy name. This holy name can only be received by the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and very special devotees like Narada Muni. Names of Rama are obtainable but names of Krishna are not so easily obtainable. And then names of Radha-Krishna are even rarer.  This holy name is Radha Krishna’s treasure of love in goloka. Goloker premadhana harinaam sankirtan.
Such rare holy name is being unconditionally distributed to the most fallen people of age of kali by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore He is most magnanimous [maha-vadanya]. Namo maha vadanaya Krishna prema pradayate. Means this holy name is one of the forms of love of Krishna. Holy name is one more name for Love of Krishna [Krishna-prema]. Holy name means Radha and Krishna. Radha and Krishna means Krishna-prema. Such rare holy name, which is even rare to Brahma, He distributed to the people of this world!

This work has been most wonderfully done by Srila Prabhupada by distributing it to the whole world. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has declared this on the land of India, but didn’t give shape to it Himself. But He left the job to give shape to the preaching of holy name all over the world for Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada has fulfilled the prophecy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by distributing this holy name all over the world.

Just receiving this holy name is the perfection of our lives. And I am so happy that with such determination you have observed this world holy name week. I know that some of you don’t wake up for Mangal-arti in morning. You sleep in such deep that waking you up is very difficult. Like Kumbha karna.  Even this type of devotees has chanted 128 rounds. I felt so nice that just by receiving my one letter; you have followed it with such determination.

What is the work of spiritual master? The work of spiritual master is to guide the disciple. For that sometimes spiritual master has to chasten the disciple. My work is to make you properly go on this path. When you make mistake, what I should do? To simply leave you or just show you the stick, but not beat with stick. I never showed you stick. [Laughter] Even I didn’t show my danda. Why to chastise then? In order to make you follow this path nicely.

So, when I saw that you are yourself enthusiastically following this path then naturally I felt very happy. But this holy name is not meant only for a week. Although it is not possible to chant 128 rounds all the 365 days in year.  So more important than japa is service. Sevan mukhe he jivado. By service only glories of holy name will be revealed. It is not done by chanting, rather by service. If we are inclined towards service then hari naam will Himself manifest.

If we don’t have service attitude then what happens? Only words of holy name come out, not the hari naam prabhu.  Chanting will go on with mouth, ‘hare Krishna hare Krishna’, but naam prabhu will not manifest. Naam-akshara and naam-prabhu, they both are different. Naam-prabhu is Sri Krishna Himself. Jei naam sei Krishna. How does this naam prabhu manifest? Svyam eva hi sphur... when He Himself become mercifully manifest then only we can receive Him. What we can do? We can only try for receiving His mercy. Try for getting the mercy. When this endeavor will be unalloyed and when Lord will be pleased by it, then only He will give us His mercy. For this do chanting, read Srila Prabhupada books and follow four regulative principles. What is the essence of all this? Essence is service.

Only by the means of service one can receive the mercy of holy name. Now that we have received such a rare thing, now we have to accept it with great determination. Throughout the year. Not only for a day, not only for a week, not only for a year, throughout your life. Not even the whole life; serve the holy name life after life. If in this life we don’t get perfection, there is no worry. We just have one prayer to Lord that we just have to do service of the holy name. How do service of holy name done? Do chanting, sankirtan and preaching of the glories of holy name and Krishna with determination and faith.

Our single goal is to induce everyone to accept the holy name. And just keeping this goal, we can stay forever. Our only wish is to leave our body fulfilling this goal and then to take next birth also to again engage in this service. We don’t want liberation. We don’t want to do to Vaikuntha, not even to Vrindavan. Wherever I get the service of Lord’s holy name, that place is Vrindavan. Then what is purpose of going to Vrindavan separately? By the influence of holy name, Vrindavan will itself manifest.

Je din grihe bhajan dhekhi, grihete goloka bhaya. If at my house glories of Lord are sung, Krishna-naam takes place, sankirtan takes place, glories of holy name are sung and preached then my house will only transform into goloka. Therefore householders don’t have to leave their homes. Just do hari naam sankirtan at your house. You don’t have to leave home to go to Vrindavan.

Therefore undivided engage in the sankirtan-yagya. Receive the holy name and preach the holy name. Wherever you are, stay there and preach. Grihe thako vane thako, sada hari bole rakho. We don’t have change our living conditions. Wherever you are, stay and practice it. Whenever I am here, I am very happy on seeing that whatever service you do, you do it wholeheartedly. I see from upstairs that those of you serve in goshala; you serve very determinedly, from morning till evening. Those of you serve in garden, kitchen, making sweet, making cake, restaurant, all of you, wherever you serve, when you serve with such determination just by seeing it I become very happy. So, always be engaged in the service of Lord undividedly. Offer yourself as an obligation in the sacrifice of sankirtan and make your life perfect!
Hare Krishna.


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