Vedische Culturenprogramma wordt op elke 3e zaterdag van de maand gehouden in Boxtel. Kom en geniet de transcendentale muziek, spiritueel kennis, Mantra yoga en heerlijk diner.
प्रत्येक तेस्रो शनिबार हुने भजन किरतनमा सबैलाई नामहाट बक्स्टेलमा स्वागतम्
Vaisnava philosophy to Manav Dharma of Sri Satpalji maharaj emphasized
Reproduced on demand of the readers.
Saintly persons wishes only for the good of others!
Deity worship for God consciousness
23/2/10 A saintly women from Haridwar, disciple of Satpalji who founded Manav Dharma, Dharani Baiju mataji shared her experiance of self-realization. Addressing the Vedic Cultural house in Boxtel on 20th February, she explained the impersonal aspect of the supreme personality of Goadhead Sri Krishna. She urged that the happiness can be found within, thus one has to look into thier self with the help of a spiritual master. The goal of human lif is to qualify spiritually to go back to the abode of our spiritual father, the Lord Krsna. She asserted that nawadays people are engaged only in eating, mating, sleeping and defending and thus the purpose of human form of life is forgotten. Just like, if you have a car and you put fuel in it but don't drive it to the destination the purpose of buying it is useless.
Devotion to God is the only way for happiness. Baiju mataji explained that one has to look into thier ownself to find God because our nacked eyes can't see Him. Once one starts meditating within self, God manifests into their inner self as 'Light'. She related this to the episode of Mahabarat when the god Krsna showed Arjun the cosmic universal form of God after giving him the ability to see it. Arjun saw then only 'light'she added.
Vainava devotee Visvaroop prabhu
The impersonalist; who thinks that God has no form, or the God cannot be seen through our nacked eyes, but more or less as the shining light, are also the devotees of God but in lesser imperfection. This is because the Dharma of manav- men is to serve God with love. Once one develops devotion to God and serves with loving attitude he will be fixed in trannscendental happiness. If one learns to serve God with love he will love every entities and he will be happy too.
Daharani mataji of Sri Satpal ji (left) and a Dutch Vaisnavi
Developing loving servie to God can reach to perfection only when one realizes that God has form, that looks like human form but its spiritual, unborn and eternal. Love can manifest only to forms and not to any formless cosmos. The residents of Vrindavan loves god in perfection and Arjun too. When Arjun saw the cosmic form of Krsna, he was scared and requested Krsna to appear again in His original lovely human form. Krsna did it as his devotees wishes.This was the assertion quoting the Bhagavad Gita by prabhu Viswaroop from Rotterdam.This is explained in the Bhagavad Gita chapter 11. But such facts are greatly misinterpreted or misunderstood, possibly due to various commentries of the Bhagavad Gita given by non devotees. The Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada is the only authentic one that presents without the commentator's personal influence and is translated into more than 40 langauges. Gautam who organised this program presented one its copy to Baiju mataji requesting to use it in her preaching mission.
About 20 aspirant devotees, many were new to this vedic program attended. With this type of program one could balance the marterial wealth with the spiritual tranquility. It is also serving as the peaceful means of the people coming from different background to integrate with the Dutch society, equipped with the knowledge of other's culture.
See video that gives presentation of both the sides of personalism and impersonalism understanding of the same truth.
Bhagavad Gita- Zoals Ze Is editie te koop op
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All the books of Srila Prabhupada are available for sale. Place order today, next day you will get it at home per courier dhl in Europe. Email us:
In elke maand zijn er twee Ekadasi. Ekadasi betekent letterlijk de 11e van de dag voor volle maan en nieuwe maan. Deze dag is ook als een Madhava tithi genoemd, de favorite dag van de Heer Krishna. Om Ekadasi volledig na te leven, zoals Ambarisha Maharaja dat deed, is erg zeldzaam. We zouden het zo moeten proberen te doen, maar worden beïnvloedt door dit huidige tijdperk, Kali- yuga . Maharaja Ambarisha leefde in Satya- yuga , en hij was zo sterk dat hij een jaar lang zou hebben kunnen vasten zonder te slapen, terwijl hij op één been zou staan, zonder water te drinken of zelfs maar adem te halen. In Kali- yuga zijn we echter noch sterk noch vergevorderd; maar we zijn toch fortuinlijk. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heeft uitgelegd dat als we hongerig zijn op Ekadasi , we wat fruit, sap of melk mogen nemen. We dienen niet voortdurend te eten. Het is niet zo dat we een liter van een bepaalde soort sap drinken, en een half uur later weer een ander soort sap nemen, om...
The auspicious month of Kartik, (8th October to 19th November) more popular known as the Month of Damodara, is here once again heralding the spiritually enlivening ‘Festival of Lights’. Its the month for harvesting material yeild from the corn, maize and barley field and also harvest the stpiritual wealth by devotional service to Damodar. Mother Yasoda bound little mischievous Krishna with ropes to the grinding mortar for having stolen butter and thus He came to be known as Damodara. The significance is in that the Lord of the Universe can be bound only by the rope of pure love. During thus Damodara month, devotees get the opportunity to personally offer Arati to Lord Damodara with ghee lamps and sing the very enchanting ‘Damodara astakam’, to receive the special mercy of the Lord. The Glories Of Kartik month “Pure devotional service to Me which, because it places Me under My devotee’s dominion, is very difficult to attain, is easily attained by following this vow in Mathura dur...
4th April '12, the auspicious occassion of the Vyasa puja celebration in honour of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj who has been dedicated to develop particularly Mayapur to Vedic planetorium city, His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami humbly submits his intimate offerings and glorification, here under . HH Jayapataka Maharaj I was very fortunate to have a long and intimate association with His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja since I joined ISKCON. Undoubtedly he is one of the most exemplary leaders of ISKCON today. With the sincerity he is serving Srila Prabhupada is extremely praiseworthy. As a matter of fact ever since he met Srila Prabhupda he offered himself completely to his service and the way he is serving him till today is a wonderful example for all of us. In the early days in Mayapur there were not so many devotees. Therefore, we had the oportunity to have a very close relationship with each other. Although he was the leader of Maypur, he was very humble and carin...
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