Bhutanese minority Lhotshampas practices Vedic cuture. This they do by putting their belief on God in the center of their activities. Here, during the anual festival of lights - Dipawali, there is a tradition to remind people of the existence of God Sri Ram. People in th eveening of Lakshmi puja goes out to the homes of others with singing band. They sing the glory of Sri Ram and how the evils are defeated by good. This tradition is now brought to The Netherlards by some exiled Bhutanese. Bhutanese regime forcibly exiled about 20% of the population mainly the Lhotshampa minority. Because the Bhutanese present regime rejected their appeal to let them go back to their homes in Bhutan from exile, the Dutch goverment kinldy brought about a hundred Bhutanese refugees to The Netherlands for resettlement. Some of them are still following the Vedic culture. One family originally from Gelegphu district of Bhutan are holding fast to the Vedic culture. This family Rizal, arranged in their home in...