Goverdhan puja is the token of respect to the environment, the earth, ovserved in the Vedic tradition. It will he observed on 27th of this month, also in Naamhat Boxtel.
Respecting cows and bulls, like father and mother |
When we know that our survival depends on the fertility and productivity of nature, the soil, the enviromnet, the Earth, then it is for everyone the object of worship. This was one of the arguements Sri Krishna, the Lord put forward to Nanda Maharaj when He appeared on earth personally in Dwaper yug, some five thousand years ago. Thus a tradition of worshiping Goverdhal Hill was established. It is also becasue that hill represents Krsna and Radha ad their pasttimes. During the celebration of this festival, Giverdhan miniature is made of cow dung and worshipped with offerings. Radha Krsna and their associates are invited to reside on that hill. Circumambulating that alone can eliminate the sins and purify your existence. When the Goverdhan hill was worshipped following the instructions of Sri Krisna, the demigod in charge of

cilmate Indra got angry and tried to flood it. But Sri Krishna defeated him by lifting the same hill for 7 days and protected the people. Indra surrendered to Krishna.
Goverdhan puja is followed by a series of observations to other objects of worship namely the cow, ox, even dog and crow in additon to human relations, which described in the next post here under. Cow is the most auspicious and gentle animal, a mother and the personification of the mother earth, on whose supplies human beings could survive. This means, the cow dung is the catalyst to multiply the growth of the seeds of grains we show in our fields. The yeild will be biological, the most healthy one. Nowadays people who emphasizes modernisation and mass production process forget the contribution coming from cows. Those not folowing the Vedic culture even kills cows and eats. They immerge in sin, violates natural law. Cows should be treated as the objectof worship, a mother of everyone. During the time of the festival of light, Dipawali, the cows are garlanded and ceremoney to please them performed. This is example was shown by His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami in Ujjain by performing aarati to the cows,
see foto.
Cows worshiped as Godly animal, based in Vedic civilization |
Bofore worshipping cow, oxens are also worshipped in the same way. Other animals included in the worship are dog and crow. The story goes back to the time of Sri Ram. When Sita was released from the jail of Ravan everyone were delighted and longed to see her coming back to Nepal, Janakpur where she initially appeared. The news of her coming was firstly brought to the villagers by crows. Then the village dogs knew that she is coming and informed their masters. Everybody were happy. As a gesture of thankfullness the dog and crow are also given respectful treatment. Then men went towards the way Sita along with Sri Ram was coming back from Lanka. The women, on their part prepared dishes, mainly a type of round bread and went towards the way all those people went to receive Sita. Then in the next day, the brother sisiter relations celebrated. This tradition is still prevalent in the theistic Nepali families.
See video here over this festival.
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