'Life has never been so blissful, than in Krishna Consciousness despite my hellish condition of living' says Khadga Bhandari Baa commenting that the search for higher consciousness require someone to show the way who has already seen the absolute truth. Khadga Bhandari baa, inspired by Bhagavad Gita As It is ' I want the boat that sails across the material ocean of existence, I want the sailor who leads one to the spiritual existence...' writes Bhandari baa in his small note book of poems reflecting his life's aspirations. He also wrote some hymns praying to the ultimate divine to rescue him. Then the time came that assured his salvation, the shelter under the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna through His pure devotee in line to the bona fide disciplic succession- the guru parampara. It was on 24th July that Bhandari baa was blessed with the path of perfection by having accepted in this succession by His Holiness Bhakti Caru Sw...