Reproduced . Goverdhan puja is the token of respect to the environment, the earth, ovserved in the Vedic tradition. It will he observed on 27th of this month, also in Naamhat Boxtel. Respecting cows and bulls, like father and mother When we know that our survival depends on the fertility and productivity of nature, the soil, the enviromnet, the Earth, then it is for everyone the object of worship. This was one of the arguements Sri Krishna, the Lord put forward to Nanda Maharaj when He appeared on earth personally in Dwaper yug, some five thousand years ago. Thus a tradition of worshiping Goverdhal Hill was established. It is also becasue that hill represents Krsna and Radha ad their pasttimes. During the celebration of this festival, Giverdhan miniature is made of cow dung and worshipped with offerings. Radha Krsna and their associates are invited to reside on that hill. Circumambulating that alone can eliminate the sins and purify your existence. When the Goverdhan hill was wor...