Everyone is in search of peace and happiness. In pursuit if this they, the convert into another forms religion, but the true formula for peace and happiness is already given in the vedic scriptures .This was the message given at the vedic cultural program on 3rd Saturday of March 2010 in Boxtel. More than 30 people participated in the program led by Sri Viswaroop prabhu. To attain peace, one has to consider three things: ie try to realize who you are, who God is, and what your relation or duty towards God. In simple words, one has to understand that everyone is part and parcel of God. Being a part, the duty s to serve the whole- that is to God with loving devotional service. Through that understanding and the service rendered in love, one derives happiness. Now, one has to understand who God is. Many leteratures and philosophers and preachers from differnt platform and faith has defined God differently. Owing to this the whole purpose of religious pursuis is misled. God is ind...