Excerpt from: Back to Godhead by Srila Prabhupada, 1944 We are sorry to learn that Gandhi Jinnah Talks about unity of the Indian people have failed for the present. We are not very much optimistic in the result of such occasional talks between several heads of community and are of opinion that if any solution is arrived at as a token unity for the time being, it is again to break up, to meet another shape of problem which may not be on the ground of religiosity. In Europe the fighting parties are almost all Christians and in Asia the major parties, we mean China and Japan are almost all Buddhists but still they are fighting. So fighting will go on between Hindu and Mohomedan, between Hindus and Hindus or between Mohomedan and Mohomedan, between Christians and Christians and between Buddhist and Buddhist till the day of annihilation. So long there will be a pinch of a desire for sense gratification, surely there will be fight between brother and brother, father and son, nation and nat...