Even the Dutch and Belgian indegenious people honoured the dasai tika at the Vedic cultural mandir in Boxtel in the Bhutanese Nepalis traditional way on 17th October. The deties of Sri Radha Madanamohan, Gauranitai, Nrisimha and Sri Jaganath Baladev Subhadra were done with abhisekh ceremoney and dressed beautifully. This began early in the morining that was followed by Nava Durga worship. Then the devotees from Belgium and near by Dutch including Indians and Bhutanese came to honour the tika. This coninued till the evening. Then a discourse on Bhagavad Gita continued till the evening. In this an introduction of the Gita course was given which shall continue every third Saturdays.Everybody is welcomed to participate in it. Local people appreciated this celebration and commented that every action taken according to the vedic wisdom has very useful meaning. It leads men to attain loving association of the Supreme Lord- ultimate devine where everyone constitutionally belonge...